Wii Multi Mod Manager 134 Download
I have a wii 4.3e and softmod with letterbomd. Im trying to load a USB loader and am getting erro rev = -1029.
Can anyone help as Im new to this - thanks I hope you've done a NAND backup thats the very first job you do before you try to install anything else? Then you install PriiLoader 0.7 (Which USB Loader are you trying to use? What are you doing installing to bring up this 1029 error?
Jan 12, 2014 - All you have to do is install it with WAD Manager. The wii bugs out if I select another channel and press + or - to navigate to the Project M.
All USB Loaders use cIOS249 have you installed that with MMM? I'll do the back up and SD card prepare and if all else fails, Well you haven't followed a trusted turorial have you?
As part of the softmod install you must do all 3 options: 1. Install Homebrew.
2, Install BootMii. Prepare SD card - which makes the [bootmii] folder on the SD card so you can do a NAND backup from the BootMii menu else you wil get a black screen. The NAND backup is the very first job you do after softmodding. What is your Wii system version? I'm assuming your 4.3 because you've posted in the 4.3 mod so you should have used LetterBomb to softmod your Wii.

Hi friend.I'm trying to softmob my Wii 4.3E. I've been through the tutorials. I am still facing problem!!
While I deleted the saved game (Lego I. Jones) - when I click on SD (WII) nothing can be found so called PWNS. For info my SD Card is a 4Gb. I copied the PWNS which I downloaded to the SD - I performed as it should be. While I enter the Art Room, I click on the stagerring etc.???? Now the problem ARISE My WII console os freezed completely, mentioning SD Card Not Detected.
And the last line reads.HANGING. Respected brother, kindly help so that I can solve that problem Thank you loads.
While I deleted the saved game (Lego I. Jones) - when I click on SD (WII) nothing can be found so called PWNS. For info my SD Card is a 4Gb. I copied the PWNS which I downloaded to the SD - I performed as it should be. While I enter the Art Room, I click on the stagerring etc.????
Now the problem ARISE My WII console os freezed completely, mentioning SD Card Not Detected. And the last line reads.HANGING. Well if you copied the Indiana Pwns (to the SD card correctly then you click on Wii Options bottom left. Then Data Management then Save Data then Wii. Then you click on the SD Card tab and select the Wii version your using and copy to the Wii. Then when you run Lego Indiana Jones you load the saved game.
Then go to the room with the carousel and as you've said. When I am in the Artroom, the left character on the podium, it's the two silhouettes stagerred with an arrow pointing between them.
Programma rascheta shesterni. Gollist (storonnik Sh.
Without this saved game the softmod won't start. By the way if you softmodding a 4.3 then the easiest way is using LetterBomb (I have a friend thats come to visit for the weekend and I softmodded hers a few months ago with Indiana Pwns.
She has brought up her next door neighbours black 4.2E Wii for a softmod. I enabled the WiFi connection and updated it to 4.3E and I've just softmodded it with LetterBomb. It takes about 20 minutes by the time I had done the NAND backup which tales the longest time. I just got to get the USB Loader GX installed and setup now. For info my SD Card is a 4Gb. I'm very sorry I forgot to mension.
To softmod a Wii you need a 2GB SD card not SDHC which version 4.0+ can use thats probably why it can't read the SD card. After its softmodded you can use a 4GB SDHC card. It must be formatted FAT32 and 32bit clusters.
Now I've never had a problem formatting the SD card with Windows. Some people have and they have to use a special formater that Digital Kaos - Downloads - sd card formatter (Update: I softmodded my friends black now 4.3E Wii and installed all 3 USB Loaders and updated those and everything works so she will be happy. I formatted my 2GB SD card in Windows and it worked perfectly as it does everytime. But has anyone else experienced any problems similair using letterbomb, and in your experiences is modmi a better option?
I've had no problem softmodding a 4.3 with LetterBomb I did one last weekend. I don't see why you can't play original discs after softmodding? If it was softmodded in the correct order I can't see how the kids could have effed it up.
To play backup games with NeoGamma you need a Wii with a suitable DVD drive fitted as the newer ones 2009+ won't. Other than that you play backup games with the USB Loaders after you install the original disc to the HDD. ModMii (is a good option to try. I've only used ModMii to update any wads using the sysCheck.csv (http://www.digital-kaos.co.uk/forums/downloads/wii/16/syscheck-v2-1-0-beta-11-1918/).