Vbs Delete All Files In A Folder And Subfolders Iphone
Veselie zadaniya dlya predmetnoj nedeli anglijskom yazike. Jan 25, 2018 - Dim objFSO, objFolder Set objFSO = CreateObject('Scripting.FileSystemObject') If objFSO.FolderExists('C: FolderName ') Then Set objFolder.
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Scenario: We have a very directory (500GB) on a file server with a very complex structure of subfolders with various NTFS permission settings. Some are inherited while others are manually set. So the subfolders and files will not have the same exact permission settings as their parent folders. Due to a requirement by management we must set this existing NTFS permissions on this folder, subfolders and files all to 'read-only'.

This cannot be accomplished by the Share permission and must be done by NTFS. I have used ICACLS extensively in the past to do complex permission assigning to folder structures and I though I could simply backup the existing permissions and edit the file to change them all to Read-Only and then restore the permissions but that looks like an exercise in futility. Drug dosage calculator. Does anyone know of a way to change existing NTFS permissions on subfolders and files to Read-Only? Appreciate any advice.
The only problem I see with that is that you may end up clobbering permissions of a directory that would normally keep someone out of it. Say for instance there's a directory in the tree somewhere that has payroll information or something in it. If you replace the permissions to match the top level you could end up opening that directory up for view access to people who don't need to see it. Just a thought. I may be wrong, or it might not be a big deal in this case. But OP made it seem like he wants to just remove the write functionality, not necessarily change all of the subdirectories to -r-xr-xr-x.