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South Africa: Western Cape High Court, Cape Town You are here: >> >> >> >> [2001] ZAWCHC 3 Terblanche and Others v Damji and Another (7895/2000) [2001] ZAWCHC 3 (11 September 2001) Download original files Bookmark/share this page IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (CAPE OF GOOD HOPE PROVINCIAL DIVISION) Case Number: 7895/2000 In the matter between: HELGARD MULLER MEIRING TERBLANCHE First Applicant MULLER TERBLANCHE TRUSTEES (PTY) LTD Second Applicant ABSA BANK (PTY) Third Applicant v FARAH DAMJI First Respondent EILEEN MARGARET FEY N.O. Second Respondent (In her capacity as liquidator of OFFSHORE DESIGN COMPANY (PTY) LTD) JUDGMENT DELIVERED ON 11 SEPTEMBER 2001 Knoll J: This is an opposed application brought in terms of the provisions of section 424 of the Companies Act No 61 of 1973 (hereinafter referred to as “the Act”).
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