Sbornik Pesnj Vozrozhdeniya S Akkordami
Comrades of Golden Dawn, people of Greece! From my cell at Korydallos Prison I salute the movement’s great victory. According to today’s electoral results, Golden Dawn has emerged as the third political force of the country for the second consecutive election following the European elections of May 2014. And this, despite myself as well as the rest of the comrade-members of Parliament and other Golden Dawners, unlawfully and unjustly in prison for a year and a half. We achieved this great victory while at the same time being unable to have a 'fair and democratic', as the regime likes to say, election campaign. Isolated from everyone. With a war of mudslinging and slander from everyone.
Moreover, everyone recognizes that we are innocent and in prison, and the greatest proof of this is the infamous Baltakos video, which some frantically made sure it would disappear from the public spotlight. Where some made sure that there would be no investigation in regard to it. Golden Dawn is the third political force of the country, with its leadership in prison, with an unlawful isolation from the mainstream media. With an election campaign from a payphone, we have a fresh mandate from the people to be in parliament, to represent the Greek people, and not from prison.

We hope that this time there won’t be any corrupt politicians that would meddle in the work of public officials, so that we remain in prison. If the first and second exploratory mandate isn't successful, we will of course receive the mandate to form a government because that’s what the law dictates.
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Mezhdunarodnaya Kniga predlagaet Vashemu vnimaniyu ocherednoj katalog knizhnyx novinok po filologii, sovremennoj rossijskoj literature, klassicheskoj russkoj literature, istorii. Sbornik pesen: russkie i ukrainskie narodnye pesni i populi?arnye romansy (1919) (Reprint). Rukopisej yuzhnyh slavyan. This book, Sbornik makedonskih pesen, skazok i obychaev, by P. Lavrov, is a replication of a book originally published before 1908. Brand new Book. V dannom sbornike sobrany hristianskie avtorskie pesni s akkordami dlya.

And for all those that aren't aware, we are still in custody awaiting trial, we haven’t been convicted, we are innocent, but this guilty and sinful political system denies us even the presumption of innocence. I would like to thank the thousands of Golden Dawn activists, that fought beautifully, literally against everyone, during this campaign period. Without material resources.
Excluded from the “tycoons’” channels, having to literally face-off against everyone. Everyone fought, everyone struggled to keep Golden Dawn from becoming the third political party and were ultimately defeated. Golden Dawn won. I would like to salute and thank from the bottom of my heart, the hundreds of thousands of Greek men and women that voted for Golden Dawn so the thieves can be sent to prison, so the Greeks can come in to power.
Those who voted for Golden Dawn because of her positions. Positions on political cleansing, on the termination of the memorandum, on the deletion of the debt, on restarting primary production, on the exploitation of the country’s natural resources, on addressing the major national and social problem that is the illegal immigrants. They voted for us because we resist, because we didn't compromise during these difficult times. They voted for us because we remain standing in a world of ruins. I salute everyone and I declare along with them: Long Live the Victory of Golden Dawn! More available at.