
Mercedes Benz Starfinder Torrent

Shablon na kruzhku. Mercedes Star finder 2016 is part of mercedes benz star diagnostic software. Starfinder 2016 Mercedes Software support mercedes benz till 2016 year.

Good day people of earth I've got the complete workshop service repair manual for the 1989 to 2008 Mercedes Benz Models 129, 140, 163, 164, 170, 171, 202, 203, 208, 209, 210, 211, 215, 219, 220, 230, 240, 251 and 463. In English If anyone should need it. You are going to need a computer with a 32bit operating system (doesn't work on 64bit) and internet explorer 5.0 or above. I've tested it on windows xp with internet explorer 8.0, for some reason in 11.0 didn't work. You'll also be needing an add on called Autodesk whip plugin for some of the manuals. All the manuals work with web ETM and starfinder. You can personal message me, then i'll share it with you.


The whole file is just a little big for me to upload. I think the easiest way is with Google drive. I'm not going to ask anybody to pay for it. But donations via paypal are welcome since i also had to pay for it.