
Maska Komara Iz Bumagi Na Golove

Similar words:  (1.00) (0.71) (0.67) (0.62) (0.62) screw 1> vint, shurup _Ex: endless (perpetual) screw beskonechnyi vint _Ex: male (external) screw vint _Ex: female (internal) screw gaika _Ex: screw clamp _teh. Strubcinka, vintovoi zazhim _Ex: screw coupling _teh. Vintovaya styazhka _Ex: screw die _teh.

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Maska komara iz bumagi na golove lyricsGolove

Vintoreznaya golovka _Ex: screw elevator vintovoi elevator; shnekovyi pod'emnik _Ex: screw gauge rez'bovoi kalibr 2> _teh. Shnek, chervyak 3> _av. Vozdushnyi vint, propeller 4> _mor. Grebnoi vint 5> vitok rez'by 6> povorot vinta _Ex: to give smth. Another screw zavinchivat' chto-l.

Potuzhe _Ex: to give s nut a good screw pokrepche zavernut' gaiku 7> grebnoi vint 8> vintovoi parohod 9> vint, pryzhok vintom (pryzhki v vodu) 10> _razg. Bumazhnyi kulek, paketik (s chem-l.); 'funtik' _Ex: a screw of tea kulechek chayu _Ex: a penny paper screw of tobacco paketik s deshevym tabakom 11> shepotka, nebol'shoe kolichestvo _Ex: a screw of tobacco zakrutka tabaku 12> _razg.

Skryaga, skvalyga _Ex: he is a dreadful screw on uzhasnyi skryaga 13> _sl. Zarplata, poluchka _Ex: poor screw nizkaya zarplata _Ex: we get our screw on Fridays u nas poluchka po pyatnicam 14> klyacha, loshad' s iz'yanom, oder 15> _sl. Tyuremshik, tyuremnyi storozh, vertuhai 16> (the screws) _ist. Tiski (orudie pytki) _Ex: to put the screws on smb. Podvergnut' kogo-l. Pytke tiskami; okazyvat' davlenie (nazhim) na kogo-l. To apply the screws) _Ex: to give another turn to the screw(s) usilivat' nazhim na kogo-l.

Skrillex Official. Close search. Tour; Shop; Media. Skrillex - First Of The Year (Equinox) [Official Audio] Watch the official audio video for “First Of The Year (Equinox)” by Skrillex from the album, ‘More Monsters and Sprites EP”. Skrillex rose to fame in late 2010 when he released a third EP, Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites on October 22 through labels mau5trap and Big Beat Records. The release saw moderate success, peaking at number 49 on the Billboard 200 and receiving an award for Best Dance/Electronica Album at the 54th Grammy Awards. Brought in the New Year with Pop-Up shops in Tokyo & Kyoto in Japan, as well as after parties hosted by Brownies & Lemonade w/ Skrillex, Point Point, and Cray. Cinema by Skrillex, enjoy! This is also loud and good quality. Diskografiyu skrillex njhtyn.

Kessonnaya bolezn' _Id: a screw loose ne v poryadke; ne v svoem ume _Id: there is a screw loose somewhere chto-to zdes' ne tak _Id: he has a screw loose on ne v svoem ume, u nego vintika v golove ne hvataet 18> privinchivat'; zakreplyat' vintami _Ex: to screw a lock on a door privintit' zamok k dveri _Ex: to screw smth. Down zakreplyat' chto-l. Vintami _Ex: a table screwed down to the floor stol, privinchennyi k polu _Ex: I am screwed down to certain fixed rules ya privyazan k opredelennym tverdym pravilam, ya svyazan opredelennymi pravilami _Ex: to screw two planes together skrepit' vintami dve doski _Ex: to screw smth. Off otvinchivat', razvinchivat' chto-l.