Iclone 55 Pro Keygen
IClone 5 is real-time 3D animation with quick design & production tools for digital actors, environments, visual effects & in-house motion capturing. Use the power of drag & drop editing with access to the largest library of real-time ready 3D content, and a powerful physics engine for smooth subject interactions. Be amazed with this fully-featured 3D animation studio that has revolutionized the art of 3D animation. With iClone Version 5.51, your character animation pipeline is finally complete! The New MotionPlus format allows you to easily save all of your facial, body, accessory, spring and constraint data all into a single MotionPlus file so that it can be reused and reapplied to other characters. In addition, you're now able to customize your own landscapes with the height map terrain, directly in iClone! V.5.51 (v.5.51.3507.1) released 15th November-13 Added: Compatible with Avatar Toolkit2 Series (eg.
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Monster Workshop I Repack / Toon Maker). Fixed: Reduced random crashes in the 64 bit version when using Motion Puppet & Timeline Editing. Fixed: Importing characters caused crashes after plugging/unplugging the earphone jack. Updated: Update Height Map Terrain in.iScene files, to make them compatible with the updated iTerrain from 5.5.

V.5.5 (v.5.5.3207.1) released 8th August-13 Added: 64 bit version of iClone officially released. Added: Added.wmv(VC-1) and.mp4(H.264) output to 64 bit version. Added: Added iMotionPlus format (Contains Motion, Facial Animation, Visible, Spring and Sound). Added: Added Bake Constraint key (Including Path, Reach, Link, Contact and Look at). Added: Added Translate (Stretch) Bone option to Motion Layer Editing. Added: Now able to edit Height Map Terrain including Height Map layouts and textures. Added: Added the Level-of-detail Options for Height Map Terrain in Real-time Playback & Editing.
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Enhanced: Height Map Terrain Physics; added Collision Margin, Friction and Elasticity. Enhanced: Facial Creation Tools Enhanced: - Control points for facial fitting optimized. - Viseme visual quality enhanced. - Added animated tongue. - Updated interface for side-facial fitting. Fixed: Lipsync lost frames during playback if the audio length was over 60 seconds. Fixed: Added back Spring Effect for Gwynn character.

Fixed: Fixed the lip keys to show 'None' when loading old iClone4 data. Fixed: Fixed inability to adjust the transition length for Reach/Spring Key. Fixed: Fixed Insert Frame in project track did not affect the Animation Layer track. Fixed: Fixed iClone4 project tendency to use embedded textures as external textures, resulting in inability to find textures in iClone 5. Fixed: Fixed sequence image output failed in some special environments caused by hard disk space misjudgment.