Half Life 1 Portal Gun Mod
Half-Life Mod v3.2 REWRITTEN(Guns! More Blocks!)(DISCONTINUED) MC1.5.1. Freeman skin by M1CKY. Black Mesa Blocks. Half-Life Mod! It has been rewritten and this version will have better stuff than the last edition, so you will have better stuff. Half-Life 1 doesn't HAVE a Gravity Gun. Thats Half-Life 2. Mod a Portal Gun into Half Life 2. By shad0wshayd3. This guide explains how to get a Portal Gun in Half Life 2 (or, more specifically, how to get to City 17 in Portal.
Mod Part 0: Default Portal Gun Atlas’ Portal Gun P-Body’s Portal Gun Bacon Gun • Fire Portals with the left and right mouse buttons. • Zoom in and out with the middle mouse button.
• Grab blocks or entities with the “G” button. • Reset portals with the “R” button. • For the bacon gun, the portal’s colour is randomly generated. However, it can be defined in the properties file. • This is your special set of portals on SMP. Unique per individual.
Portal Spawners • When placed, a GUI will pop up asking you to set the colour, and if the portal stays open if redstone power is cut. • When powered with redstone, it will spawn a portal based on the colour you set. Portal Gun Pedestals • Accepts any type of portal gun. Blank sportivnoj gramoti. • Automatically fire portals when it receives redstone current. • Portal Gun can be retrieved by right clicking or walking into them Single Coloured Default Portal Gun • Fires only one type of portal.
• Will automatically merge with the single coloured portal gun of the other colour to form a dual portal gun. • Can also be crafted together.
Long Fall Boots • Negates all your falling damage when worn! Fuel option NEW • You can now enable a fuel option onwards in the config file. • The fuel that the portal gun uses is in form of Ender Pearl Dust. • One ender pearl dust is used every time you fire a portal. • If you run out of ender pearl dust the portal gun will dim and refuse to fire.
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Mod Part 1: Weighted Storage Cube Placing it in the world and right clicking it with a rose will transform it into a companion cube! Whilst in your inventory, the companion cube will help heal you every 5 seconds! Incinerating the cube (How could you!?) will cause it to leave behind a recorded message. Smelting the disc will cause the plastic to deteriorate, changing the entire track! Crafting two of the first discs together will also change the track.
Radio • Plays the radio loop record repeatedly. • Can be turned off with right click (configurable) Weighted Storage Cube Vent Weighted Companion Cube Vent • Placed on ceilings. • Requires redstone power. • Cubes deployed cannot be broken. • Redeploys new cube if redstone is still supplied and cube gets destroyed. NEW: Right clicking the cube with cyan dye will make it bouncy! Get rid of the bounciness by putting it in water.
(Initially a request by TheFrogMC for the portal 2 gels mod, but I found it too fun to make it exclusive to that mod) Mod Part 2: Material Emancipation Grid • These are placed from wall to wall, and has a maximum range of 15 blocks. • Pouring fluid through it will disable it.
• These grids have several modes, which are configurable in the properties file. • These grids are also configurable to have to be redstone powered. Mod Part 3: Sentry Turrets (Model made in Techne) • Shoots anything, configurable in properties file. • Has range of 20 blocks, also configurable.
• Fires 20 bullets a second. • Will die if pushed over. Defective Turrets When sentry turrets get smelted, their sleek body polish melts off and their circuits gets messed up! Mod Part 4: Aerial Faith Plates • Can be placed on floors, walls and ceilings. • Wall plates can be oriented to look upwards or downwards.
• Right click to adjust the power. • Can be set to be redstone powered to work. Electronic Intelligence Indicator • Intelligently indicates if it is indirectly being powered by redstone • Warning: Will not increase intelligence if ingested. Mod Part 5: High Energy Pellet Launcher • Launches a High Energy Pellet when powered by redstone. • High Energy Pellets disintegrates living things on contact (Configurable to knockback) • High Energy Pellets spontaneously combusts if it bounces too many times, travels too far or lives for too long. High Energy Pellet Catcher • Catches a High Energy Pellet to provide redstone power.