Fallout 1 Savegame Editor
Sep 15, 2008 - This is a character editor for Interplay's Fallout 2 which can edit your character stats, perks, skills and more. Guest Jul 1 2013. This comment. Jul 18, 2009 - Well tried the trainers, set xp 999, set skills to 200, killed a rat no level up. Tried the one that freeze S.P.E.C.I.A.L at the creation screen, again no.
Large Files can take more time to load! Drag a save file here (e.g. Vault1.sav) or select one here For PC/Launcher Version the save is in: 'Documents My Games Fallout Shelter' For Windows 10 Store version check this: For Steam Version the save is in: 'C: Users YOURUSERNAME AppData Local FalloutShelter' For Android Version the Save is in: 'storage/sdcard/Android/data/com.bethsoft.falloutshelter/files' Fallout Shelter content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of Bethesda and its licensors. All rights reserved. This site is a part of Internet. And is not affiliated with Bethesda.
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I read in a lot of webs that with the Steam version of FallOut1 (and 2, too), the players cant use a program named FALCHE for edit his characters. Upgrade skills, get perks, traits. Well, anyone who has played this amazing game from when it was launched to nowadays, for sure knows what Im talking about. So, Falche uses the SAVE.DAT that game creates when u make a savegame (thanks capitain obvius) But, wait, If u isntall game from Steam, where is the game?
And where are the saves? I readed this questio in lot of forums, and before play a bit and left Junktown, I decide to try myself this old method for 'upgrade' my character. Dont worry, its really easy, just go to the folder Steam in ur HD, then look for Steamapps and then Fallout. This looks familiar, uh? Open Data, and there bingo! If u got yet any savegame, u can browse this same path to get Falche recognice and then open it.

If u have any problems browsing it with Falche, cuz sometimes if the path is too long this old program wont recognice it, just make a copy of ur savegame, and paste it directly in the Fallout folder. Then, look for it again, make any changes as I explain down here, and then copy/paste again to the original savegame folder, clicking yes in replace the older one with the new one.
As I said, this program its really old, and I confess I still play in XPSP3, so I dont know if this will work in any other O.S., but remember to make a copy of ur save game, create a new folder (if the initial folder was 01, create the 02, in the game will be in the seconf slot of savegames with the same name as first) and remember too click APPLY every time u make any change in ur character before click ACCEPT, or nothing will happen. Falche is somekind. Of cheat, u can get all ur SPECIAL to 10, get all perks u want, put any number in Total HP, and a lot more, but for people that has finished the game and only want to make 'lab characters', for example 10 of luck, with scout x3 and explorer, or I dont know, for make all the ques u didnt do the first time, this is a good idea and frankly I never suposse to read so much problems for use this program.