Deer Hunt Challenge Se Patch
I stood by my plan and went full.50cal patched round ball this season! I heard a lot of ' Don't use that!' You'll wound it!'
'That ball isn't made for big game' all the typical brain washed fubar where some think you need plastic, SS, scoped and high priced pretty shaped bullets in order to down game. I am feeling really good after 9 days of hunting in southern Colorado. We saw plenty of elk, deer, including a real nice muley with a crown of antlers growing off one side of his rack! The weather was a little rainy in the afternoons for the first few days and then finally cleared out to where we were able to get out hunting in the evenings. On day 1, I found the elk herd, 2 - 2.5miles away. To darn far for packing out in that range of the mountains.

We did find a short cut that brought us to within 1 1.5miles, but due to the amount of downed black timber, swampy ground and clump grass, it was worse than trying to hike the regular route. Day 2, found us watching the elk herd again. There was a real nice butt scratcher of a bull in there with 20+ cows/calves with him. I'd bugle and cow call, he'd look toward the mountain we were on and that was about it. He had his girls and that's all that mattered to him. He rounded up his cows and they went off to bed down in the shade. On the hike back to the ATV's I mentioned how perfect a setting it would be for a doe to step out into.
Automation studio 6 free download full version crack. Dec 11, 2017 - Iowa City Boy Shot While Deer Hunting - Iowa City, IA - Three deer hunters. 5, John Fish, 65, of Villisca, was hunting southeast of Nodaway in.
15 minutes later, THREE doe stepped out of the aspens! The big lead doe took off, I whistled and it caused the other 2 doe to stop, and the lead doe stopped to look back at them. I raised my Traditions St.Louis Hawken.50cal kit gun that I put together, took aim and squeezed the trigger. I sent a.490' Round Ball, driven by 70gr 3fg Goex,.020' Patch lubed with Frontie's Anti-Rust & Patch Lube toward her. A huge white cloud of smoke hung low in the crisp morning air. The doe dropped at the sound of the shot. I gave her time to expire while I reloaded.
Afterward, I went up to her and bled her out and couldn't believe how they just walked out like that! We had crossed that area a couple hours before! The shot was a high lung/ bottom of spine shock, shot. It killed her instantly. After she was bled out, We took some pictures and then proceeded to gut her out and drag her back to the ATV, parked at the top of the mountain.
I got her at around 40 yards. She packed the freezer with a little over 48lbs of meat for the winter! Believe it or not, this year, I found out very clearly. Patched round balls, leave a BIG entrance hole and a 1/2' exit hole! I thought it would have been reversed, but it is not so. ------------------- The 6th day & One more tag in my pocket: With having filled my doe tag, the ultimate tag left to fill was my Bull elk tag, which I felt would be impossible due to the bulls not reacting to the calls. They would speak very little and almost at dark when the temps dropped.