Ddx3216 Software Download
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Oct 06, 2010 Home > The Forums > Low End Theory Behringer DDX3216 presets request. Login / Join. Join with Facebook New Reply Thread Tools. Search thread. 30th September 2010 #1. Here for the gear. Behringer DDX3216 presets request.
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Behringer 3216 over HTTP This is a small node.js based thing to control a Behringer DDX3216 with a web browser. Ideally, this would run on an embedded system (e.g. A Raspberry Pi) that also provides a WiFi interface, so you could use a phone or tablet to control the desk (which supposedly sits at FOH) from, say, the stage. It is inspired by the various control apps available for newer digital mixers. How to use You need to have a MIDI output device on your computer.
You also need a C++ compiler, to allow the required midi module to compile. Then, just run: npm install node main The first available MIDI output will be used to talk to the desk. If a description is available, it will be printed on startup.
When the server is running, navigate a browser to.
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