
Chek List Oficianta Obrazec

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This vacancy requires a candidate with the following and responsibilities: • Restaurant waiter must be friendly, friendly and open. • Fluent also provide menu and wine list.

• To have a beautiful, neat and well-groomed appearance. • Pass a physical and have health problems. Fullmetal alchemist brotherhood eng dub. • To comply with all safety regulations imposed by the institution.

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Chek List Oficianta Obrazec

• Experience are always welcomed, it allows you to begin servicing clients with no long-term fellowships, the passage of which is required of all, especially candidates. The waiter-bartender – in addition to the standard duties of any waiter, deals with guest service, while at the bar – preparing a certain range of cocktails. Sometimes it is necessary to deliver prepared drinks directly to the tables.

You also need deals with attractive design showcases and bar counters, and throughout the work shift, and after its end in order to keep all tools in their proper place. Waiter-cashier – among other things, working with the cashier, when paying with a visitors, no stranger. Senior waiter – the aim of which is cultural and effective service to all our guests.

He is obliged to monitor the availability of all dishes and goods, listed in the restaurant menu. To maintain the cleanliness of all equipment used in the institution, prepare tables, after the departure of the visitors room to check for the presence of forgotten things, to control the quality of the used glassware and equipment. He is engaged in the organization and maintenance of large events in the case, if the dish does not match the description, produces replacement. A sample of the finished summary For the position of waiter.