Bmw Fsc Code Generator

Why can I not find any fsc code generator to use for myself. I bought the update bmw business motion navi 2014-1. They ask your vin numbers and after paying, the send the software + fsc to download. I have seen on the internet that there is a fsc code generator for. The fsc code from BMW is very expensive so if i can save a buck it is Always.
I just bumped into them on eBay and They say that one code from them is good for a lifetime of updates, and you don't need to get a new code every time. And they're only like $40 US. Sounds too good to be true. But there's some sellers with 100% Feedback scores who have sold hundreds of these. There are some people who have a vested interest in this and say they do not work or they can be detected.
Also there are some naysayers who say it might void warranty. I asked my BMW Tech if there was a problem and he says not. From my experience they do work and I bought one from UK web site at an excellent price last year. I have updated 3 times and it is still working, currently using NBT 2015-2.
That is the latest one. To avoid any conflict of interest on this site, if you want to know more and a reliable UK contact, drop me a PM. I see you are from Canada, so I perhaps better to try locally or on the bay. There are some people who have a vested interest in this and say they do not work or they can be detected. Also there are some naysayers who say it might void warranty. I asked my BMW Tech if there was a problem and he says not. From my experience they do work and I bought one from UK web site at an excellent price last year.
I have updated 3 times and it is still working, currently using NBT 2015-2. That is the latest one. Pardon my ignorance on this topic generally, but do the 'one-time-use' FSC codes sourced OUTSIDE THE DEALER NETWORK present the same potential risks identified above, or are these risks unique only to these lifetime FSCs?

And generally, what is the cost difference between these 'one-time-use' FSCs and the $40(?) Lifetime FSCs (for purposes of evaluating the risk)? Is it $40 every update, or less? When you update the map from the 32gb USB stick containing the files, you put the USB stick into the USB slot in the centre console armrest and the system recognises that there is an update. It asks if you wish to update! When you say yes (forgot the wording used), it then it asks for the FSC code which you enter. The map then updates.
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This takes about 45 minutes, so it is best to do it on a longish trip. Once completed the system restarts and you are then running the latest map. The next time you want to upgrade to the next dated map (say from NBT 2015-1 to NBT 2015-2), you put the USB stick in the slot.
The map starts the upgrade after you say yes, but it DOES NOT ask for a code if it is the lifetime FSC code that you entered previously. If the code was dealer supplied or had been the single purchased code from outside the UK dealer network then the system would have asked for a new code.